the blog.

Sep 14, 2023

**I’ve had to go through and rebuild my blog. This post was originally from August of 2018 and I’d thought I would simply recreate what was there, but I decided that the content was topical enough to update. So, welcome to my geekness!** So, I’m a nerd.  Duh… I write sci-fi and fantasy.  It kinda […]

May 1, 2019

A little while ago, I posted about this on Facebook and it felt like something I needed to expand on. A year ago we were getting ready to screen “Four Days in December” at the Tri-Cities International Film Festival. The changes that have happened since then make it seem like that happened in another life. […]

Apr 17, 2019

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, so I thought I’d go with something that struck me a few days ago. As happens on occasion, I was awakened in the middle of the night by a powerful scene that demanded I write it down. It was one of those things that burns in my mind […]

Oct 9, 2018

To understand the nuts and bolts of how the æsterverse and the technology within it works, there are some core pieces that need to be explained. I’ll try to not sound like that high school teacher you had who could put a monk to sleep at thirty paces just by opening his mouth, but this […]

Sep 25, 2018

Empires and fallen kingdoms and upstart states, Oh My! The first scene I wrote in the æsterverse was a slugfest between ships in the sky.  “The Tomahawk Incident” was born from that scene.  From that it was clear that the world I needed was one where empires were ready to start taking pot shots at each other […]

Sep 10, 2018

I just got confirmation that our short documentary “Four Days in December” is going to be playing at the Tri-Cities International Film Festival on the weekend of October 12-14! I’m super excited for people to have the opportunity to see it in a larger venue again. Hopefully, this will lead to other showings!   This looks […]

Sep 4, 2018

One of my friends commented recently that I should do some blog posts about the Æsterverse.  After all, it’s what I’ve been writing the longest and it’s what got me started writing seriously.  A pretty fine idea! I’ll start with an overview of the world.  Obviously, there isn’t enough space in a blog to go […]

Aug 21, 2018

To me, music is a kind of magic.  There are few other things that have the power to alter people’s emotions the way that music does.  And it’s instinctive – babies respond to music.  Sometimes strangely and wonderfully so, in the case of anyone who’s seen a baby head-bang to heavy metal.   People have asked […]

Jul 24, 2018

I’m having an unusual experience for me.  Anxiety about my creativity.  Normally I just plod along, do my thing and it doesn’t generally bother me.  Sure there’s anxiety when I get critiques from people or do read-throughs with a group.  I’m pretty much used to that anymore.  But now, I’m getting ready to direct my first […]

Jul 10, 2018

Wheeew… Where to even begin.  We are currently “living in interesting times,” as the Chinese curse goes. I’m a student of history as well as a creative.  It’s clear to me that there will probably never be another time in my life when wielding art as a weapon of resistance will be more sorely needed. […]