the blog.

Apr 17, 2019

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, so I thought I’d go with something that struck me a few days ago. As happens on occasion, I was awakened in the middle of the night by a powerful scene that demanded I write it down. It was one of those things that burns in my mind […]

Aug 21, 2018

To me, music is a kind of magic.  There are few other things that have the power to alter people’s emotions the way that music does.  And it’s instinctive – babies respond to music.  Sometimes strangely and wonderfully so, in the case of anyone who’s seen a baby head-bang to heavy metal.   People have asked […]

Jul 24, 2018

I’m having an unusual experience for me.  Anxiety about my creativity.  Normally I just plod along, do my thing and it doesn’t generally bother me.  Sure there’s anxiety when I get critiques from people or do read-throughs with a group.  I’m pretty much used to that anymore.  But now, I’m getting ready to direct my first […]

Jul 10, 2018

Wheeew… Where to even begin.  We are currently “living in interesting times,” as the Chinese curse goes. I’m a student of history as well as a creative.  It’s clear to me that there will probably never be another time in my life when wielding art as a weapon of resistance will be more sorely needed. […]

Jun 26, 2018

As I’ve said in the past, action scenes are usually what starts me on a writing project, or what gets me out of being stuck.  But how do ‘action scenes’ work anyway? Action scenes are often more about emotion than physical action.  Putting my characters through the emotional wringer is a great way to break up […]

Jun 12, 2018

I was recently sitting in a panel about representation at a con when one of the panelists repeated something I’d heard before, “REPRESENTATION SAVES LIVES.”  Unlike the other times I’d heard it, those words hit me square between the eyes like a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick. So, I’m going to jump into […]

Jun 6, 2018

I love world building.  I assume that most people who write, run roleplaying games, or tell original stories in any other way do as well.  I’ve got a drawer full of concepts that are really just about worlds I want to explore.  And for me that’s a huge piece of all this, I want to […]

May 30, 2018

I just got another rejection from a publisher for ‘Tomahawk Incident‘ so I thought I’d talk about that this week.  It sucks, we all know it, but it’s just a part of the business.  You gotta have thick skin if you’re going to be in a creative field.   My degree is in fine art, sculpture […]

May 3, 2018

As I’ve been trying to get my blog working – that is to say properly connected to social media, it’s been… trying.  Since I needed to once again test to see if it’s connecting to anything other than some Hellscape-social-media-apocalypse-dimension, I thought I’d make it a bit more fun.  Here we are. Drag and drop […]